
TIWB Stakeholders Workshop 2024


Stakeholders Workshop

In-person Conference

                  Paris, France
                29-30 April 2024


The TIWB Stakeholders Workshop 2024 has convened host and partner administrations, experts from the fields of tax audit, international taxation, and criminal tax investigation, as well as regional and international partners and donor agencies. The workshop served as a platform for dialogue among key stakeholders, focusing on best practices for delivering TIWB programmes and assessing progress in TIWB’s various areas of assistance. Stakeholders  also deliberated on the potential expansion of TIWB’s scope to new areas, including supporting jurisdictions in implementing the agreed solution to the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. Finally, participants had the opportunity to reflect on TIWB’s impact within the broader context of international tax capacity building and explore avenues for collaboration through regional and international partnerships. 


Monday, 29 April 2024

09:30-10:00 | Welcome and opening remarks; launch of the TIWB Annual Report 2024
10:00-11:30 | Session 1: Multi-stakeholder collaboration on international tax technical assistance: What does success look like?
11:30-11:45 | Coffee break 
11:45-12:45 | Session 2: Delivering effective capacity building for resilient tax systems: Gaps, challenges and opportunities (political, institutional and organisational)
12:45-14:00 | Lunch
14:00-15:30 | Session 2 (cont’d): Delivering effective capacity building for resilient tax systems: Gaps, challenges and opportunities (legislative/regulatory & information/skills)

15:30-15:45 | Coffee Break
15:45-17:15 | Session 3: Setting TIWB in a wider context
17:15-17:30 | Wrap-up Day 1

17:30-17:45 | Group photo

17:45-19:00 | Cocktail


Welcome and opening remarks

  • Mr. Ben Dickinson, Head of Global Relations and Development Division (GRD), Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Mr. Thomas Beloe, Acting Director,Sustainable Finance Hub, UNDP.
  • Mr. Mathias Cormann, Secretary-General, OECD
  • Mr. Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
  • Mr. Marcos Roca, TIWB Team Leader, GRD, CTPA, OECD
  • Mr. Ahtesham R. Khan, Head of Tax for SDGs, Sustainable Finance Hub, UNDP


Session 1 Panellists: 

  • Mr. Sonam Jamtsho – Director General, Department of Revenue and Customs, Bhutan
  • Mr. Sam Koim – Commissioner General, Internal Revenue Commission of Papua New Guinea
  • Ms. Adèle Lieber – Head of the International Department, Direction Générale des Finances Publiques (DGFiP), France
  • Mr. Emeka Nwankwo – Acting Senior Manager: Member Services, African Tax Administration Forum

Moderated by Mr. Ahtesham R. Khan, Head of Tax for SDGs, Sustainable Finance Hub, UNDP


Session 2 Panellists:

  • Ms. Asma Shafeeu Deputy Commissioner, Maldives Inland Revenue Authority
    • Ms. Andrea Costa Chaves – Undersecretary for Tax Examination, Federal Revenue of Brazil
    • Mr. Ashot Muradyan – Deputy Chairman, State Revenue Committee, Armenia
    • Mr. Sossadéma Pelei – Head of Large Taxpayers Division, Office Togolais des Recettes
    • Mr. Simon Hellmers – Assistant Commissioner at the Australian Taxation Office and Permanent Representative of Australia to the OECD

Moderated by Ms. Kalale Mambwe, TIWB Project Manager, GRD, CTPA, OECD


Session 2 (cont’d) Panellists:

  • Ms. Andrea Prieto González – Adviser, International Taxation, General Direction, National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN), Colombia
  • Ms. Rasha Abdel Aal (TBC) – Commissioner, Egyptian Tax Authority  
  • Ms. Mahnaem Haidula – Manager: Audit and Compliance, Namibia Revenue Agency
  • Mr. Ignatius Mvula Director Specialised Tax Office – Mining, Zambia Revenue Authority
  • Mr. Avtandil Svanadze – Head of Transfer Pricing, Audit Department, Revenue Service, Georgia
  • Mr. Vito Furnari Head of the Large Business Taxpayers Regional Department, Agenzia delle entrate,Italy 

Moderated by Ms. Nina Stranzenbach, Global Coordinator – TIWB, Sustainable Finance Hub, UNDP


Session 3 Panellists:

  • Mr. Moses K. Yidana – Head of the Transfer Pricing Unit, Ghana Revenue Authority
  • Ms. Alexandra Readhead – Lead, Tax and Extractive Industry,Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF)
  • Mr. Luis Jones Rodríguez – Tax attaché, Permanent delegation of Spain to the OECD
  • Mr. Sudarshan Kasturirangan Regional Programme Specialist for Asia Pacific Countries, Sustainable Finance Hub, UNDP

Moderated by Joseph Stead, Senior Policy Analyst, GRD, CTPA, OECD. 


 Wrap-up Day 1

  • Mr. Thomas Beloe, Acting Director, Sustainable Finance Hub, UNDP, and Mr. Ben Dickinson, Head of GRD, CTPA, OECD


Tuesday, 30 April 2024


09:00-09:15 | Welcome and Recap of Day 1
09:15-10:30 | Session 4: TIWB’s role in strengthening tax compliance and fighting illicit financial flows in developing countries
10:30-11:00 | Coffee Break
11:00-12:15 | Session 5: Addressing demand for TIWB assistance on frontier issues and other opportunities
12:15-12:30 | Future outlooks and closing remarks


Welcome and Recap of Day 1

  • Ms. Manal Corwin, Director,CTPA, OECD.


Session 4 Panellists: 

  • Mrs Parvathi Subramaniam  – Section Director, Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia
  • Ms. Constance Shumbayawonda – Commissioner Revenue Assurance, Zimbabwe Revenue Authority
  • Mr. Emeka Nwankwo – Acting Senior Manager: Member Services, ATAF
  • Ms. Sandra Knaepen – Acting Head of Tax Administration and VAT Division, CTPA, OECD

Moderated by Mr. Marcos Roca, TIWB Team Leader, GRD, CTPA, OECD


Session 5 Panellists: 

  • Mr. John Peterson – Acting Head of Division, Cross Border and International Tax Division, CTPA, OECD
  • Mr. James Dunstan – Head of the International Relations and Capacity Building, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • Mr. Palmer de la Cruz Pineda – Commissioner of Strategy and Risk, Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria, Peru
  • Dr. Arthit Sathavorasith – Director, International Tax Division, The Revenue Department, Thailand 

Moderated by Mr. Andrew Auerbach, Senior Tax Adviser, GRD, CTPA, OECD


Future outlook and closing remarks

  • Ms. Manal CorwinDirector, CTPA, OECD.




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