
Partner Administration

Your country has the tax audit capacity needed by others - share it !

Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB) is looking for Partner Administrations who are:

  • Capable of sending tax audit experts
  • Interested in funding a TIWB Programme
  • Desiring to participate in development programmes


A Partner Administration can be any tax administration (OECD or non-OECD member) that is able to second a tax audit official with expertise in a particular area. When requests for assistance are received, the TIWB Secretariat notifies international points of contact within potential Partner Administrations. A Partner Administration can then propose a currently serving tax official from within its administration for the TIWB Programme who will become a seconded TIWB Expert.

Partners Globally

When a currently serving official is seconded to a Host Administration of a TIWB Programme, the Partner Administration continues to pay the Expert’s usual salary. The Partner Administration may also agree to pay the travel and daily expenses of the Expert’s participation in the TIWB Programme, although a number of funding options exist. These details should be fully defined in the TIWB Programme Terms of Reference drafted by the Partner Administration and the Host Administration, with the assistance of the TIWB Secretariat.

Various government entities also offer their financial support for the deployment of Partner Administration experts to implement TIWB programmes across the globe. A full list of these ministries and agencies can be found on our Donors page.

In some cases, a Partner Administration may choose not to second a currently serving official, but may agree to allow a currently serving official to take a period of leave without pay in order to participate in a TIWB Programme. In these instances, the Expert’s participation is a hybrid between TIWB Programmes involving currently serving and recently retired officials. This raises issues pertinent to both categories in respect to funding, conflict of interest and confidentiality. In these cases, the Experts should nonetheless continue to liaise with their home tax administration to ensure that the latter remain fully informed of the scope of the Expert’s involvement in the TIWB Programme.

TIWB Partner Administrations:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Italy (Agenzia delle Entrate)
  • Italy (Guardia di Finanza)
  • Kenya
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • The Netherlands
  • Nigeria
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Slovak Republic
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Türkiye
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Regarding the Expert’s participation in the TIWB Programme, the Partner Administration may request feedback from the Host Administration or the TIWB Secretariat.


Upcoming Programmes

The following countries and jurisdictions have made formal requests for assistance to the Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB) Secretariat.  We are currently seeking qualified experts to be deployed as part of the TIWB Programmes below.  Please contact the TIWB Secretariat directly to find out more on how your tax administration can be involved in the success of a TIWB Programme!

Botswana (6)

Proposed start date: 2023

Host Administration:
Botswana Unified Revenue Service(link)

Expert: TIWB Roster Expert

Partner Administration:

International Partner(s):

UNDP Country Office: Botswana(link)

Republic of Congo flagCameroon (3)


Proposed start date: 2023

Host Administration:
Direction Générale des Impôts(link)

TIWB Roster Expert

Partner Administration:

International Partner(s):

UNDP Country Office: Cameroon(link)

Flag of Comoros



Proposed start date: 2023

Host Administration:
Administration générale des impôts et des domaines(link)

Expert: Serving tax official

Partner Administration:
Direction Générale des Finances Publiques(link)

International Partner(s):

UNDP Country Office: Comoros(link)

Swaziland flag

Eswatini (3)


Proposed start date: Q1 2023

Host Administration:
Eswatini Revenue Authority(link)

Expert: TBD

Partner Administration:

International Partner(s):

UNDP Country Office: Eswatini(link)

Flag of Guinea

Guinea (2)


Proposed start date: Q2 2023

Host Administration:
Direction Nationale des Impôts(link)

Expert: Serving tax official

Partner Administration:
Direction générale des Finances publiques(link)

International Partner(s):

UNDP Country Office: Guinea(link)

Flag of Lebanon


Proposed start date:

Host Administration:
Directorate General of Finance(link)

Expert: TIWB Roster Expert

Partner Administration:

International Partner(s):

UNDP Country Office: Lebanon(link)

Flag of South Africa

South Africa

Proposed start date:
Q2 2023

Host Administration:
South African Revenue Service(link)

Expert: TIWB Roster Expert

Partner Administration:

International Partner(s):

UNDP Country Office: South Africa(link)